
Posted on 05/31/2022

In order to promote the safety and privacy of students, staff and visitors, and in accordance with the regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Delaware Community School Corporation prohibits the operation of unmanned aircraft, also known as drones, by any persons on or over Corporation property including at Corporation-sponsored events. For the purposes of this policy, an unmanned aircraft is a flying device without a human pilot aboard. 

The Superintendent or designee may grant an exception to this policy in specific cases where circumstances warrant. The Superintendent may approve an educational program involving the operation of an unmanned aircraft on school property by Corporation staff or students who are supervised by Corporation staff.

Violators of this policy may be legally responsible for trespass or invasion of privacy and an individual may be denied entry to or removed from Corporation property for violations or attempted violations of this policy.

Delaware Community School Corporation

Adopted: 5/16/2022
