
Posted on 03/29/2022
  1. Definitions

The following definitions apply to this Policy: 

“Recording” is the capture of any individual’s voice and/or image through audio and/or video tape, digital, or other electronic means for any period of time. This includes photography, “live streaming,” phone calls, or using a personal communication device to take or transmit recording.

“Meetings with parent or guardian” includes any meeting between a School Corporation (“Corporation”) employee and a student’s parent or guardian. These meetings include, but are not limited to, parent-teacher conferences, case conference committees (IEP Team meetings), and discipline-related conferences.

“Corporation property” includes any building owned or leased by the School Corporation; on the School Corporation property or grounds (including parking lots, athletic facilities, etc.); vehicles owned, leased, or operated by the School Corporation; and during School Corporation events, anywhere a School Corporation event is being held, even if held outside of property owned or leased by the School Corporation (for example, prom or field trip locations).

  1. General Policy

This policy applies to all Corporation employees, students, parents or guardians, visitors, and third parties on Corporation property. 

Everyone on Corporation property may be subject to video recording by the Corporation (surveillance) in areas where individuals do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy, including but not limited to: classrooms, office areas, break rooms, parking lots, hallways, eating areas, etc. Recording by others is generally prohibited on Corporation property, as it frequently materially interferes with Corporation’s educational mission; however, exceptions exist as described elsewhere in this policy. The Superintendent or his or her designee shall have the ultimate authority to determine if recording should be permitted to support the Corporation’s educational mission.

The public is permitted to record public school board meetings in accordance with state law.

Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as an interference with an individual’s constitutional rights.

  1. Meetings with Parents/Guardians

Video recording of meetings with parents or guardians is prohibited. However, audio recording of meetings with parents or guardians may be permitted. If a parent or guardian wishes to audio record a meeting, they shall inform the Corporation with three (3) instructional days’ notice prior to the scheduled meeting. All audio recordings are subject to approval by the Superintendent or his or her designee. If the parent or guardian receives approval, they are responsible for providing their own equipment and maintaining their own recording. If the parent or guardian elects to record the meeting, the Corporation shall also record the meeting.

If the Corporation audio records a meeting with parents or guardians, the recording may be maintained as part of the student’s education record in accordance with state and federal law. Further, such records may be destroyed in accordance with state and federal law. 

  1. Classrooms and Other School Property

Recordings made in, or of, classrooms or other Corporation property are prohibited without prior written approval from the Superintendent or his or her designee. 

Any recording made in, or of, classrooms or Corporation property is subject to state and federal statute, including but not limited to copyright and privacy laws and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students, parents or guardians, visitors, and third parties may take photographs, record audio or video, or “live stream” outside of public/community School sponsored events only if authorized in advance to do so by the Superintendent or his or her designee. 

The Corporation students are prohibited from recording, receiving, capturing, or in any way transmitting exam or assessment information or any other information that may constitute fraud, theft, cheating, or academic dishonesty. 

Corporation employees may take photographs, record audio or video, or “live stream” the classroom only if authorized to do so by the Superintendent or his/her designee and if doing so assists in 1) furthering Corporation’s educational mission, vision, and goals; or 2) supports classroom activities, educational research, or professional enrichment.

  1. Violation

The Corporation students and employees who violate this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension and termination, respectively. Visitors who violate this policy may be removed from Corporation property and may be subject to a trespassing violation if they return to Corporation property. 

Delaware Community School Corporation

Adopted: 3/07/2022
