
Posted on 03/29/2022

Pursuant to State law, following submission of a written resignation, the employee does not have a right to withdraw or otherwise rescind that resignation. Any employee, except that Superintendent (who should submit a written resignation to the Board president), should submit a written resignation to the Superintendent or designee. An employee’s resignation may be submitted to and received by the Superintendent or designee through any written communication medium, and the employee may not withdraw, rescind, annul, or amend such resignation once submitted to the Superintendent or designee. Such a submission includes written communications left on school property following discovery by school officials that the individual has accepted other employment. A notice of retirement is subject to this policy, as a retirement notification is functionally equivalent to a resignation.

I.C. 5-8-4-1 et seq.

Delaware Community School Corporation

Adopted: 3/07/2022
