
Posted on 12/22/2022

The Delaware Community School Corporation recognizes that staff and student organizations may need to raise funds to support various educational and other instructional-based initiatives. The Corporation also acknowledges the utility and convenience of online fundraising or crowdfunding/crowdsourcing sites. The School Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to approve all fundraisers and inform the School Board at its next regular meeting. When considering what methods to employ when fundraising, staff must consider:

  • Only using crowdfunding sites/services that have been vetted and approved by the Superintendent or designee in writing; and

  • Whether the proposed fundraising or crowdfunding site takes a portion of the raised funds or requires fundraising goals be met prior to releasing funds.

Crowdsource fundraising is limited to a maximum of $50,000 or the equivalent per solicitation.

Fundraising and use of online fundraiser/crowdsourcing sites are subject to all Corporation policies and procedures on fundraising generally, as well as the specific requirements for online fundraising below: 

  1. All fundraising campaigns must support educational, instructional-based initiatives, or approved extracurricular activities. 

  2. All crowdfunding campaigns must comply with other board policies and applicable laws, including student privacy and anti-harassment laws. Postings may not include a student’s personally identifiable information without parental consent. 

  3. No Corporation staff may receive any cash payments for fundraising campaigns (except for reimbursement to teachers for verified reasonable project costs). 

  4. Corporation staff must keep and submit, upon request, records of all funds and items obtained to the Superintendent or his or her designee. A financial report shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee at the conclusion of the fundraiser.

  5. Funds and/or property received through fundraising (online or otherwise) becomes property of the Corporation and will be inventoried in the same manner as other Corporation materials and equipment. 

  6. Any item purchased with the funds received is Corporation property and must fit/be compatible with Corporation technology.  

  7. If a teacher has obtained educational resources through fundraising and then moves to another school building within the Corporation, the building principal will determine if the materials should follow the teacher to the new building or remain with the original building. 

  8. If the teacher moves to another school corporation, the materials remain in the school building. 

Employees who launch fundraising campaigns in violation of this policy do so at their own risk and may not act on behalf of, or hold themselves out as acting on behalf of, their school or the Corporation. Such employees are subject to discipline, up to and including termination/cancellation of employment contract.

The Superintendent or his or her designee may development administrative guidelines to implement the above policy.

Delaware Community School Corporation

Adopted: 4/18/2022

Revised: 12/18/2023