
Posted on 05/09/2022

An effective working relationship between the Delaware Community School Board and the Superintendent is essential to the successful operation of the Corporation. The development and maintenance of such a relationship is assisted by an annual review of the Superintendent’s responsibilities and performance. Evaluation of the Superintendent serves several purposes which include:

  1. Reviewing the role of the Superintendent in respect to the job description.

  2. Identifying priorities and/or objectives, which will improve the administrative leadership of the Corporation.

  3. Assessing progress made in accomplishing previously set priorities and/or objectives.

  4. Clarifying the Superintendent’s role in the Corporation as seen by the Board.

  5. Developing and maintaining a harmonious working relationship between the Board and Superintendent.

The ultimate goal of evaluation is to ensure quality education through effective leadership, governance, and management of the Corporation. The performance of the Superintendent will be reviewed annually in accordance with an evaluation instrument approved by the Board,. However, the Board will not limit its evaluation to those items that appear on the instrument, since no form or set of guidelines can encompass the totality of the Superintendent’s responsibilities.

I.C. 20-28-6,

I.C. 20-28-7.5

I.C. 20-28-8

I.C. 20-29-2-4

Delaware Community School Corporation

Adopted: 4/18/22
